• Personal details
Date of birth 14th April 1971 in Halle/Saale, Germany
Family status married,
3 children
Nationality german
  • Current job
since 1st March 2008 Database and application developer
Employer ARIVA.DE AG, Kiel, Germany
Fields of work MySQL database development, design and maintenance, development of administrative computer applications
Projekte Further development of an existing test and surveillance system
Conception and development of a web administration interface based on that system as well as a notification system for a corporate CERT
Implementation and further development of various server administration and analysis tools
Enhancement, management and maintenance of the fundamental quotation admin system
  • Job(s)
22nd October 2007-
28th February 2008
TimePartner Kiel
Location: Wipro Technologies, Kiel, Germany
  • Voluntary service
since February 2006 Member of the managing committee in union Kanu-Vereinigung Kiel
  • Postgraduate studies
30th November 2007 finished studies, degree: 2,0
Final thesis
for master degree
Data privacy between counterterrorism and surveillance, globalisation and raison d'être and the resulting consequences for the information sciences - a current issue
2nd Project work Concept of a Data-Warehouse-System for decision support in procurement of pharmacons
Traineeship State office for nature and environment Schleswig-Holstein
Restructuring of the former extern administered internet presence "Natura2000": Enhancement with database support and integration into the current web design (see Natura2000-sh.de)
1st Project work Legal evaluation of an internet site
Major field of study Data management/Data Warehouse
System development/Modelling/Project management
Oct 2004 - Nov 2007 Study VAWI - Virtuelle Aus- und Weiterbildung Wirtschaftsinformatik (virtual training and education computer science in economics) at the University Duisburg-Essen
  • Job(s)
March 1997 -
September 2004
Database and application developer
Employer DEM GmbH, Olpe, Germany
Fields of work Oracle database design and development, and application development for Windows in the field museum archiving und facility management
Projects Design, concept, and implementation as well as further development of the Database-API with usage of the DBMS Oracle and PL/SQL as the basis of following projects;
Applications for museum archiving in the cantons Solothurn, Thurgau, and Zürich (Switzerland);
archiving of images for the state office for the preservation of monuments in Münster (Germany);
Implementation of the fototheque for the foundation Luftbild Schweiz (Switzerland);
Facility management for the hotel Baur au Lac, Zurich (Switzerland)
  • Further occupations
taxi driver
sales promotion for hardware and software
  • University studies
31st January 1997 finished studies, degree: master of computer science
Diploma thesis/
Degree dissertation
Development of a geo-scientific database for collection inventory and management
Project work Development of a programme for ascertation of frequence selection ability from psycho-acoustical tuning curves for the otorhinolaryngology of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Main point of study Databases, Computer Engineering
Oct 1991 - Jan 1997 Studies of computer science with minor subject mathematics at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
  • Military service
1989 - 1991 Military service
  • Education
1989 examination Abitur (aprox. A Level)
1987 - 1989 Secondary school EOS Querfurt, Germany
1977 - 1987 Polytechnic school POS Dornstedt, Germany